Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hello Hello!  I am back..... I think🤔 

I was checking out a free crocheting pattern and it happened to be on   I said, "hummmmm I wonder if I could find my old blog that I had once upon a time."  Easy peasy using google account and my e-mail.  Now to learn all over.  It looks new and improved so bear with me and wish me luck.  I have lot's of new stuff I hope you'll  find interesting.  Where do I start???😱

Ok, little by little.... Really?? It has been since 2013 and I've been very busy.  LOL
Ok, most recent.... Crocheting.  Here we go.........
Boba Kitties 
pattern by
My GGD Ruby loves her Boba drinks
so I made these for her.
She also loves CATS

witchy hats and spiders
pattern by
@happyrockcrafts on YouTube
Very easy.  I used finger puppet glow in dark eyes

Witchy Ghost
pattern by
I also bought the pattern with 18 in 
one pattern.  Well worth money.
Excellent pattern/presentation/pictures

Phew, This will be it for now.  I ran into a 
snag with this program.  Let's see how this  one
goes.  I have some research to do.

Until next time.  Keep Creating/Crafting

My first fidget project 
by @willow.andwild 
Very Easy  I'm in Love 💖
I'll add more of her fidget projects later.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


My niece is having twin boys in July, so I decided to make her a few things to start with.  I have more in the makings......
I made some pacifier clips.  The owl one is for someone else s grand-baby. They can be 
used for many different things.  They work up pretty fast.
I took 10 pre-folded diapers and washed them.  Then took kid print flannel and put the two together.  Made these burp cloths.  I know I would have loved to have a bunch and with twins, I'm sure they will be used a lot:-)  I also made two receiving blankets and a changing pad.  I'm finishing up a second small quilt.  I have fabric for a few other things;-)
In August I'm going to Wisconsin, where they live, and will bring the other "things".
Until next time..... take care and God Bless!
Kathy aka Kela

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cream Puffs

I can't believe I forgot to blog about the cream puffs Raven, my granddaughter, and I madeOne day Raven said to me that she wanted to make cream puffs.  She said she didn't know if I had ever made them, but she was craving to make them.  I told her that I had made them years ago and that I remember my mom making them.  I found a recipe and told her we could make them right there and then.  She and her "Papo" went to the store to get heavy whipping cream and some instant pudding.  I had some pudding, but I wanted her to make here own.  What I figured would take maybe an hour and a half, took 4+ hours.  LOL  After the smoke detector going off and burning the first batch, we figured baking them on a "stone" was probably the better idea.  Husband did remove the batteries in the detector until we were done baking.... another good idea;-) The second batch, we determined were a little too big.  I think we got it right the 4th time. Raven thought smaller was better and besides the recipe said to drop by tablespoons full and that's the size Raven liked best.  The story of the Three Bears kept going through my head...ya know.... The first batch was too Hot, second one too Cold (didn't fully cook) but the 3-4th was just right. I had told Fernando we only needed 8 eggs for two batches, but good thing we had 12. ( ha ha) Lessons learned and we didn't give up.  Perseverance paid out.   We laughed alot. Enjoyable time with my Granddaughter.  I've made them two times since then.  I guess that makes me a pro.  They were just right.

Vanilla and Banana Cream Puffs

Twister table mat

You ever get that "itching" that you just gotta try it out and you put everything aside so you can give it a try and get it out of your system?  Loaded question isn't it? lol  It can go in all directions. LOL  That's how I felt when seeing a twisted heart done for Valentines Day.  Mine never got done for Valentines Day, but I tried the process.  I didn't even use valentine fabrics.  I just used some fabric I had cut at 6" and cut it down to 5".  Did I like the process?? Wellllll, the verdict isn't totally in yet.  You start with the 5" squares and sew them together.  I thought it would be faster to sew them into 4 patches and then sew the 4 patches to the 4 patches.  Naw, not a good decision in this case.  One doesn't have control of the pattern then.  Lay them out in rows and a pattern and sew them together row by row.  OK, I chose to leave them in 4 patch form and make the best of it since I didn't feel like taking them all apart and I was making it to learn the process anyway. lol  I read that using a small rotary cutter was best.....nope.... the twister tool sits on little "feet" and is too high for small cutter.  My large one worked fine.  It's awkward cutting around the twister tool, but it didn't slip, so people saying one could make their own, not this girl.  Also, I learned on the first cut, to make sure the twister tool is on it's feet and not feet up.  I had to put a new 3" border on.:-(  It could have been worse. lol   I recommend the twister tool.  So, I have another cut out and in 4 patches, but I will take those apart.  Then I hope to make a twister heart because I think they are really cool looking.  I will practice my free motion quilting on these:-)  Not sure I'd want to make a large quilt this way.

                                         Before cutting and putting back together
Until next time......Have a Wonderful Day and God Bless!
Kathy aka Kela

Monday, February 4, 2013

Newborn bunny hat

Here is the newborn bunny hat I made.  I couldn't resist making it;-) Cute pattern by Sarah of Repeat Crafter Me.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What a HOOT!

Didn't I tell you I felt an owl hat was in the future?  I had a few days off from work and made up these little fellows.  The first one seemed to take forever, but that is because I was reading the pattern over and over and taking out and starting over a number of times.  lol.  Did the second one go much faster?  Yeah and the third?  You are suppose to improve each time right?  Well,  I learned a lesson or two with that one. lol   Now if it wasn't for mistakes, how would we learn??  All in all, they are easy and very cute.  These are for newborn babies, so they are small.  Now I'm going to make one for a toddler and  work up to an adult hat.  I should be a pro by then...... maybe. lol   Here is the link to Sarah's patterns.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I finished the bags for my Aunts walkers.  I love the Cat one.  It won't be long before I'll need one, so I should make an extra one for me.  LOL  The one on the right really gave me hard time.  I guess I just should have paid more attention to what I was doing.  I did some taking apart and redoing.  No big deal.  Just a pain especially since I felt I could make it in my sleep.  Hummm maybe that is where I went wrong. lol  I have a number of projects on my "to finish" list, but I feel an OWL hat in the future..... 
Have a wonderful evening/day!  God Bless

It's an OWL....

I have finished another bag for my aunts walker and am working on the third, but I've seen this owl pattern and thought I could whip it up quickly..... ya right!  lol  It took me all morning. I didn't work on it the whole time but...... I watched a video on how to make a "magic" ring because I forgot how to make one and I love the technique.  OK, I worked that out.  My first projects never turn out perfect, but the more I do the better I get.  Eyes are not same size.  It just looks like he is looking  to the side........  Well, back to walker bag and I'll make another owl granny square later. I can't imagine making up a bunch of these owl blocks and making an afghan with them.  Can you?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kitty bag for Aunts walker

Oh what fun:-)  The other day I finished this bag for my Aunt.  She has kitties so I thought she would like this one.  I like how it turned out.  I have surfer kitties as the lining fabric.  It also has an inner pocket.  The front pocket is the bottom print.  I hope to finish the third one today for my other aunt. It's sitting being auditioned, as to my fabric choices.   Have a GREAT DAY everyone!  And Happy Birthday to my brother and brother-in-law!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Another bag

I bought a pattern, to make a bag for a walker, before Christmas hoping I could make one for my Aunt for Christmas.  I had cute Christmas fabrics picked out.  It didn't happen.  So the other day I decided to "just do it" lol  and made this bag to send to my aunt.  I'm in the process of making two more, one for another aunt and one more for my aunt to have as an extra.  I didn't really follow the pattern and found my self wondering why I bought it in the first place.  Being a quilter, I could have just cut the fabric out without a pattern.  I cut  the fabric as one piece instead of two that that the pattern called for.  I left the opening to turn on the top of bag instead of bottom and put an interfacing to help it keep it's shape.  Put pockets inside bag also.  Yup, I could have done it without a pattern.  So here is bag 1.