Last year I started a Quilt Blog....I just remembered. lol I just visited it again and thought instead of transporting everything over to this one, I would post the link. I used it pretty much for just quilting stuff. Check out the other wonderful blogs on that sight, while you are there.
Enjoy your day! Kathy
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Armed Forces Tribute
Make sure you click on "Armed Forces Tribute" above to see a beautiful video..JPG)
From another Yahoo group I belong to, I found this link I spent some time on it this morning. I plan on putting a box or two together and sending them. Can you imagine the "feeling of love felt"by the troops, if all reading this sent just one box? I don't have too many dropping by, but we could spread the word and any amount is greatly appreciated. I do appreciate all who do drop by. I've donated quilt blocks for quilts to be made for our troops and donated items, but feel I need to do LOTS more. I hope you'll consider sending one box. Gods Speed
p.s. yes, the block is another Paper Panache mystery block.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Best Friends
I thought I'd better not let another day go without posting. I've been busy with the everyday things. Threw together some "bags" to put the Wii steering wheels and controls in to protect them when transported from house to house. Nothing great. Just made them out of fleece left over from my grandkids robes I made them for Christmas last year. We got some Wii time in too. It's nice having them close by. I can't believe they will be back to school August 21. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some time to work on a BOM.
Here is a picture of a mystery I did from Paper Panache called Best Friends.
Have a good night. Kathy
Friday, July 25, 2008
Where do eggs come from???

Good Morning to you on a raining Friday here in S Illinois. My granddaughter said she read the post about eggs and asked if I put the answer some where, so I thought It only fair to post one. My simple answer is that when the egg is laid, it is of a rubbery (tough) consistancy making passage into the world easy, so when it hits the ground it won't break. Then it hardens rather quickly. If you want to read more about the formation of it, you can check this article... It's a very interesting article. I didn't know it took so long to make the egg. I even learned something new. Boy, I love the internet. I just googled "how eggs are made" and lots of stuff came up. You'll never look at an egg the same way after reading the article. lol
Above is a block from a swap hosted by Sindy Rodenmayer. Check out her Great sight.
Have a Wonderful Day! Kathy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
In our house, we love egg salad sandwiches. While peeling the eggs yesterday, I noticed something interesting. I always thought that if you peeled the eggs while still kinda warm, that the shells would come off easily. That was what I had determined from experience.......or I thought. What I found interesting yesterday, was that I had cooked 2 eggs from one carton and 4 from another together and proceeded, when still slightly warm, to de-shell them. As you can see from the picture, 2 are smooth(shells came off easily) and the other 4 have craters from chunks coming out when "trying" to take the shells off nicely. So, my theory flew out the window. Why do some shells come off easily and others not? I kinda think it might be according to the freshness of the eggs. So if that is the case, are the fresh eggs the ones that de-shell easily or the ones that are very difficult? Gee, for sometime for now, I've had eggs that peel very easily.......I sure hope that means they were fresh. lol
Question: Have you ever wondered why birds don't lay cracked eggs? Living on a farm and having chickens, I know why......but those who haven't had the experience that I have.....have you ever thought about it?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My Tuesday

While waiting for my windows to be installed today, I made the July BOM from Carol Doaks internet group. Don't even ask how many I need to do yet to catch up. My granddaughter was over and we played Wii for a while. Told Raven I was having a Wii withdrawal. lol We play Mario Kart. Too much fun!! We aren't quiet when playing and I can only imagine what the guys installing the windows were thinking..... A granny playing Wii???lol Did I say too much fun?? My dh went to the movies to see "The Dark Knight"with our grandson and we all spent time together later. It was a good day.
Hope you had a good day too.
Monday, July 21, 2008
This day is almost over......

Where has the day gone? My internet and telephone went out again, so had them come out and fix it. I'm not addicted to the internet....not much. lol When I go on vacation, I don't have to have internet access, so I think that shows I'm not addicted. Ask me how many times I've gone on vacation. lol Anyway, look at all the "goodies" I collected while viewing other blogs.... a weather girl(wish I had a figure like hers...sigh), visitor counter and a visitors map. I'm tired. Maybe I'll look more tomorrow. Here's a picture to leave you with. This is how I feel sometimes when I do go on vacation. How about you?
Have a restful night. Kathy
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Been a little busy
As you can see, I've been a little busy today. Learned a lot by working on my blog. Hopefully, I'll be able to rememberhow to do what I've done. It took me quite some time to try and find the "Kela52" logo that I got from quiltville. It just wasn't where it should have been or that I thought it should have been. Gee, I don't even remember where I found it again. Hopefully I won't need to find it again. Does that ever happen to you? Anyway, I think I'm on my way to having a little more control over my blogging than I had in the past. I practiced patience again today:-) (especially when looking for that logo) Where are those smily faces I use to be able to insert?
You might be wondering where I got Kela52 from.....Kela just so happens to be very popular. That is why a had to add some numbers. Numbers that I would remember. lol Kela represents the first letters of my first name, middle name, maiden and last name. Kela comes in very handy.
Until next time......
Have a super Monday! Kathy
You might be wondering where I got Kela52 from.....Kela just so happens to be very popular. That is why a had to add some numbers. Numbers that I would remember. lol Kela represents the first letters of my first name, middle name, maiden and last name. Kela comes in very handy.
Until next time......
Have a super Monday! Kathy
Just getting started
I've taught myself how to use the computer, how to make video's for Youtube and pretty much, how to quilt.....with the use of navigating the internet to find "How to " sights. SO, I'll learn how to put a blog together, but be patient....Hummm....patient.....I've learned A LOT of patience in the process. Looks like there is a lot to learn yet.....Html, kinda scares me. Edit Html, it says. I need to investigate that..... So I'm going to get my profile together to start with..... I think I need to add a picture on here. Everyone likes pictures. I'm going to try and add a favorite of mine. It brings back a story my dh told my kids when they were young and whining about not being able to have something. This paper piecing pattern is from by Linda Worland. It was presented as a mystery pattern. Anyway, Fernando told the girls that when he was young, they were sooooooo poor that even the mice brought them cheese. lol Perfect picture, huh?
until next post.....May your days be filled with Sunshine and laughter. Kathy aka Kela
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