Monday, July 21, 2008

This day is almost over......

Where has the day gone? My internet and telephone went out again, so had them come out and fix it. I'm not addicted to the internet....not much. lol When I go on vacation, I don't have to have internet access, so I think that shows I'm not addicted. Ask me how many times I've gone on vacation. lol Anyway, look at all the "goodies" I collected while viewing other blogs.... a weather girl(wish I had a figure like hers...sigh), visitor counter and a visitors map. I'm tired. Maybe I'll look more tomorrow. Here's a picture to leave you with. This is how I feel sometimes when I do go on vacation. How about you?

Have a restful night. Kathy

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Cool blog so far girlfriend! Now you need to learn how to schedule your entries so you can be "posting" while gone! Just go to the link "posting options" when you do your entry and it will open a window with a date and time on the right hand side - simply change the date or time and you can be blogging while on vacation! Enjoy!!