My Comadre,
Michelle, sent me a blogger award which was Created by
Ms. Javablu. My dear friend Michelle and I met back in 1999 over the internet. (if you are down and need a good laugh, she is the one to call. She is a RIOT!) They were then transfered to, Scott AFB, the base I lived at. It was back when she was a quilter. Now she is a Paper Crafter mostly. She does BEAUTIFUL work!! Check out her
blog. Anyway, we belonged to "The Chicken Swappers." No, we didn't swap chickens..(I got strange looks when I meationed the group I belonged to)...LOL we swapped chicken quilt blocks. It's funny, neither of us were or are chicken lovers. We had so much fun in that group. I'll post a picture or two later. I have to finish this post or I might forget why I started it. LOL No, I couldn't forget. It is an award that is greatly appreciated and comes at a time when a could use a little "pick me upper". Thanks Michelle! You're the best! If I could give you this award AGAIN I would.
OK, Here are the Rules:
- The winner can put the logo on their blog.
- Link the person you received your award from.
- Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
- Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them.
- Put links of those blogs on yours.
- Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
Here are my favorites that I check each day:
1.) Polka Dot Pineapple Talk about inspiration! Arlette is so creative. I am in Awe of her creativity. I want to be just like her! lol I always look forward to checking out "what is new" at her web sight. She has some wonderful tutorials.
2.) Hazel at Sewcrazy has a inspirational blog also. I met her via internet about 2 years ago at Carol Doaks yahoo group. She does beautiful work and is very active with making quilts for charity. Thank you Hazel for all you do!
3.) Tracy at 'Tis the Gift has a blog I enjoy reading. She makes me remember to be thankful for and to share the "gifts" that we are so blessed with. Thanks Tracy!
4.) Bonnie at Quiltville's Quips & Snips is chalked full of interesting facts and fun stuff! I love checking out her sight! She does alot of charity quilts and furnishes tons of free (well, not tons, but you know what I mean) patterns so one can use up all those leftover scraps we tend to have. You can find those patterns at Quiltville. Thanks Bonnie for all you do!
5.) Lauren at My Time, My Creations, My Stampendence has a great blog that I have spent a lot of time on......reading it and enjoying her card creations. She is one very busy and creative lady. Thanks for all you do!
Make sure you check out these blogs. I'm sure you'll enjoy them as I do.